The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra

Dadaïsme at its best
A great band from the young Lyon scene. 17 musicians who form a happy mixture of sound eccentricity, unusual melodies and joyful grooves, carried by a musical expression without limits! A hysterical fresco on a screen of colors, a joyful clatter, a dada fanfare, where the folkloric imagination is brought to its full power!
The Very Big…
Eighteen musicians for a powerful, beautiful and wild collective body. Created in 2006 under the artistic direction of Grégoire Gensse, the Very Big (or the Toubifri!) forms a thunderous, electric, spectacular, moving and delicate big band.
Certainly! With as an absolute rule to carry the music to its extreme limits. Based on a powerful and skilfully controlled research, the Very Big is a fantastic fusion of genres, an indefinable maelstrom inspired by influences as wide as possible and deeply marked by the music of today.
For the delirium, the storm and the generosity. The Very Big is a hysterical fresco on a screen of colors, a joyful fracas, a dada fanfare, where the imagination and the emotions are carried to their full power.
The multiple modes of play explore the richness of timbres, the spatialization of sound and the energy of the instruments. In search of formal structuring as well as improvisation, the fusion of genres becomes unclassifiable.
Lionel AUBERNON (Batterie, percussions)
Melissa ACCHIARDI (Vibraphone, percussions)
Alice PERRET (Claviers)
Lucas HERCBERG (Basse électrique, percussions)
François MIGNOT (Guitare électrique, percussions)
Emmanuelle LEGROS (trompette, bugles)
Félicien BOUCHOT (trompettes, bugles)
Yannick PIRRI (Trompettes, Bugles)
Alois BENOIT (Trombone, Euphonium)
Gregory JULLIARD (Trombone, Tuba Stephanie)
AURIERES (Saxophone baryton)
Thibaut FONTANA (saxophone ténor)
Yannick NAREJOS (Saxophones ténor)
Antoine MERMET (Saxophones alto)
Benjamin NID (Saxophones Alto)
Elodier PASQUIER (Clarinette)
Mathilde BOUILLOT (flûtes)
Loic Lantoine (Chant)
Alyzée Barnoud
Pierre Josserand (Lumières)
Frank Rivoire (Son)