L’Ocelle Mare+ Ben Bertrand

friday 25 march 202221h00
Grande Scène
10/12 €

L'Ocelle Mare

It is a ritornello that awakens, unfolds, absents itself, resurfaces, transforms itself, forgets itself, awakens again. A ritornello all in folds and hollows, which gives to see as much as to listen, a theater of acoustic shadows where each timbre, each rhythm, each modulation, is born from a meticulously refined gesture. « I don’t write the […]

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Ben Bertrand

Ben Bertrand is a Belgian bass clarinet player and composer, who twists his instrument using loops and effects pedals. The artist then transforms the sounds of the clarinet into electronic sounds, and creates a hypnotic musical journey. Synthesis of very diverse influences, the universe deployed by Ben Bertrand is articulated around traditional and ancestral music, […]

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