AIL: Free improvisation workshop at Périscope!
- 11/04/2022
Le Périscope is pleased to open its doors to improvisation workshops proposed by Jean Tinnirello until the end of the season. Free workshops, open to all musicians wishing to practice or learn about improvisation. Weekly meetings, on registration only.
A few words about the Free Improvisation Workshops
A space to meet and practice free improvisation.

The workshops are open to anyone practising improvisation or learning it for the first time, no specific instrumental level is required.
The workshops are for listening and playing, but you also talk, move, do exercises with more or less constraints (for example on silence, rhythm, energy) according to what the moment requires, meet other people, open up and unravel.
A few words to summarise its content: Listening, Body, Silence, Instant, Breathing, Feeling.
Proposed and animated by Jean Tinnirello
Saxophonist musician, I am animated by the sound since quite young, I had an academic course until my 20 years, then I went to meet musicians practising the free improvisation, in particular by going to live 2 years in Berlin (breeding ground of musician-nes for this music).
I have been practicing musical improvisation for a dozen years.
As for my place in the workshop: I take part in it like everyone else while assuming at the same time the role of facilitator, which allows me to propose a guideline and work tracks by different means, depending mainly on what is happening at the time.
I prepare each workshop beforehand, according to what happened in the previous one, to specific advice from people who are active in this field, and to the avenues of work that I find interesting.
Next dates
- Monday Sept. 05th / 5:30-9:30pm
- Tuesday Sept. 13th / 5:30-9:30 pm
- Monday Sept. 19th / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Sept. 26th / 5.30-9.30 pm
- Tuesday Oct. 04th / 5.30-9.30 pm
- Monday Oct. 10th / 5.30-9.30 pm
- Monday Oct. 17th / 5:30-9:30 pm
- Monday Oct. 24th / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Oct. 31st / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Nov. 07th / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Nov. 14th / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Nov. 21th / 5:30-9:30 PM
- Monday Nov. 28th / 5.30-9.30 pm
- Free workshops
- Duration : 3h (with a short break)
- Adjustable dates
A few words about me
First as a child and teenager: learning classical and contemporary saxophone (stopped after obtaining a DEM at the Conservatoire de Montpellier with Olivier Vaissette and Philippe Braquart)
Then: initiation to jazz (Serge Lazarevitch, Alfred Vilayleck, Bruno Chevillon, Dominique Pifarély), contemporary music (Vincent Boisseau) and electro-acoustic composition (Christophe De Coudenhove).
Until today I have played in various forms: rock, funk, ska-punk, jazz, Latin-American music, wind band, saxophone quartet and ensemble, brass band, film music.
From 2015 to 2017 I live in Berlin: I meet different artists: musicians, painters, film directors and performers with whom I work in different projects (soundtrack of a short film, improvised music and shadow theatre show, soundpainting orchestra, several free improvisation concerts with different musicians)
From 2017 to 2019: I stop playing the saxophone and practice market gardening.
These last 3 years: a solo performance, a Latin-American music group, various improvised artistic meetings, organisation of a mini-festival, organisation of concerts, animation of writing workshops.
Today I am involved in several projects including: an acoustic baritone saxophone solo; “Survie” a duet with Stéphane Guillaumon of butoh dance & baritone saxophone; “Kas Felgues” a reggae band.
And finally, some names of people with whom I have played these last 10 years -on a one-off or more regular basis- and who have nourished me by their music and by their person: Jacques Schönbeck, Arthur Lanotte-Fauré, Rachel Bader, Tristan Honsinger, Joel Grip, Pierre Borel, Antoine Mermet, Vincent Roussel, Jean-Marc Foussat.