Rien Faire


Crude sophistication. Economy of means. Rien Faire don’t overdo it, the songs stand on their own. A noisy rictus, an elusive bass line, a vocal harmony with solar accents: each ingredient retains its own flavour without blending completely into the mass, giving the whole a sometimes disconcerting freshness. But as is so often the case with Dur et Doux productions, it’s best to abandon your projections and let yourself be carried away by the music. For while in some ways it’s easy to imagine our three acolytes sitting round on the shore shaping a few blocks of sand with strange contours and marvelling at the evocative power of these spontaneous creations, as you listen to Peuple you can hear the desire, so carefully worked out, to be constantly ‘on the edge’. Somewhere between experimental chanson, dada rock and slightly destroyed yéyé, Rien Faire – whether consciously or not – sketches out the kind of pop music we’ve all been dreaming of.

Past related
Odessey & Oracle + Rien Faire 24.06.2021

Alice Perret (Claviers, chant, boîtes à musique) Lucas Hercberg (Basse, guitares, chant) Corentin Quemener (Batterie, carillon, objets, chant)

To listen
Past related
Odessey & Oracle + Rien Faire 24.06.2021