Kami : Nate Wooley, Jozef Dumoulin, Ingebrigt Haker Flaten, Teun Verbruggen

It’s “back-to-school time” at Le Périscope, and that means we’re pulling out all the stops to kick off the season: grand concerts, meetings with the team and opening the terrace to chat about the new season. This is one of those concerts where you could say “No need to introduce you to the musicians in this band”. Yet it’s always a good idea to remind ourselves of the reasons for such an encounter. One (Teun Verbruggen, on drums) is driving the Belgian scene with fascinating projects, the other (Jozef Dumoulin) has made his keyboards a minimalist benchmark in the composition of multiple projects, yet another (Ingebrigt Haker Flaten) made jazz a flammable product with his project The Thing and has since maintained an organic, athletic style of playing. Our latest (Nate Wooley) is a trumpeter at the heart of the US improv scene. He’s the kind of friend you invite to all the right places, the kind of person you can trust. The reason for their on-stage union? Come and have a listen to get an idea. You won’t be disappointed.

This concert is part of the Footprints project, co-financed by the European Union’s Creative Europe program
thursday 07 september 202321h00
Grande Scène
8/10/12 €

Nate Wooley, Jozef Dumoulin, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, Teun Verbruggen

What do you need to know about this band? Perhaps that it has a certain history. All the musicians involved were, at one time or another, members of the Bureau of Atomic Tourism. This malleable transcontinental sextet was founded over a decade ago by Belgians Jozef Dumoulin and Teun Verbruggen and reached its artistic peak […]

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