Future Folk Stories

Inspired by Ewan McColl and Charles Parker’s BBC Ballads of the 1950s, which revolutionized the concept of musical documentary on the radio, Future Folk Stories proposes a concert device for a radio play mixing songs and pre-recorded texts, acoustic instruments and concrete sounds, electroacoustics and the evocative force of the voice in multiple forms – sung, spoken, chanted…

With Robin Fincker, Mathieu Werchowski and Fabien Duscombs of the group Bedmakers, to whom are added the electroacoustic bassist with a thousand timbres Fanny Lasfargues and the vocal performer Natacha Muslera, whose live voice mixes with others, recorded during the group’s peregrinations

wednesday 16 november 202221h00
Grande Scène
10/12 €

Future Folk Stories

An original combination of strong musical personalities, we find Robin Fincker, Mathieu Werchowski and Fabien Duscombs of the group Bedmakers, to whom we add the electroacoustic bassist with a thousand timbres Fanny Lasfargues and the vocal performer Natacha Muslera, whose live voice mixes with others, recorded during the group’s wanderings. Amateur choir, friendly voices or […]

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