Delphine Dora + Romain de Ferron & Plein Soleil

Carte blanche à LYL Radio

LYL Radio is taking over Le Périscope for an evening of concerts. The artists will be none other than the radio station’s presenters and composers, invited to produce new projects.
For the first of these premieres, pianist-improviser-vocalist Delphine Dora, founder of the Wild Silence label and a meticulous field recordist, will be playing live on prepared piano.
In the second half, Rhône-Alpes musicians Romain de Ferron (Balladeur, Omertà) and Plein Soleil (Société Etrange) play their first duet, combining gamelan and various percussion instruments.

To accompany and intertwine these performances, the LYL DJs will be playing a few records, as well as welcoming you with open arms!

thursday 12 october 202321h00
Grande Scène

Delphine Dora

Delphine Dora is a musician, composer and improviser from France. A self-taught pianist and vocalist, her semi-spontaneous music has been enriched with new sounds over the years, including an interest in church organ work, the modular synthesizer and field recordings. The voice is also one of his privileged instruments (setting in voice and music of […]

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Romain de Ferron

Active member of numerous formations with enthusiastic casts (from Balladur to Vinci via Omertà and Sacré Numéro, he shares the action with Amédée de Murcia, Florence Giroud, Jérémie Sauvage, Mathieu Tilly, Pierre Bujeau, Romain Hervault or Ernest Bergez, colleagues escaped from Somaticae, France or Tanz Mein Herz) Romain de Ferron is a French multi-instrumentalist musician […]

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Plein soleil

Drummer and percussionist of Société Étrange, PanPanPan & recently Omertà, Plein Soleil draws in solo a hypnotic & organic polyrhythm, with dub and free jazz vapors. Jonathan Grandcollot, his real name, has just released his first EP on Zèbres Records.

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