Christophe Imbs “Soft Power” Quartet

Pianist and composer Christophe Imbs, a major figure on the Strasbourg jazz scene, is back in the spotlight with a 3rd album as leader. Not content with having, as Hiko writes, “shattered the imposed figures of the jazz trio” with his previous album, he brings out “SOFT POWER”, an album that dynamizes the jazz quartet.

Behind his effects pedal-powered piano, he composed this album for a crack team: Julien Lourau, Joan Eche-Puig and Anne Paceo (replaced for this concert by Elie Martin-Charrière).

SOFT POWER is twelve tracks as intense as a boxing match, with its strong moments, its suspended ones, its victories and knockouts, its self-mockery. Twelve sweaty tracks, from caresses to punches, from tears to sweat.

SOFT POWER. Flowers and boxing gloves. Heart and guts!

tuesday 11 june 202421h00
Grande Scène
8/12/14 €

Christophe Imbs "Soft Power" Quartet

Christophe Imbs returns – after his debut album « ForYourOwnGood! », which « shattered the imposed figures of the jazz trio » (HiKO) – with this new creation, which now features Julien Lourau, France’s « valiant gladiator of the tenor saxophone ». Equipped with the instruments of the acoustic quartet plugged into electric and electronic effects, the project produces a sound […]

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