The Bridge #2.6

On the road again
Jazz at its greatest risk, with its balancing acts and magic tricks, between the expanses that are criss-crossed and the depths that are explored. Music for surveyors and speleologists, no doubt, music for vulcanologists. Quentin Biardeau and Etienne Ziemniak on the one hand, Corey Wilkes and Justin Dillard on the other, have attended the best schools: those they have given themselves and where everything is allowed. As well as artist collectives that have taken over what used to be called “a scene”: the TriCollectif in Orleans or the Capsule Collectif in Tours, the AACM in Chicago. They can be very respectful (they know their history, from Guillaume de Machaut to Ornette Coleman, and from nu soul to Malagasy Tsapiky), they can be very irreverent (they forbid themselves). They take malicious pleasure in following the trail of powder. Expect a few outbreaks.
Corey Wilkes - trompette, électronique
Quentin Biardeau - saxophone ténor, synthétiseur
Justin Dillard - orgue hammond, synthétiseur
Etienne Ziemniak - batterie