Surprise concerts at Sainte Blandine!

Out of doors

A surprise from Slovenia.

For several years now, Le Périscope has been trying to invite Oholo! to Lyon. They hail from Ljubljana and bring with them all the energy and eccentricity that we love about the Slovenian scene: jazz with a strong Eastern European flavour, using improvisational methods to create rich, feverish music.

This long-awaited arrival was an opportunity for us to think big, or rather to rethink things. Since we need to give a lot of thought these days to the way artists invite themselves into a given area, Le Périscope decided to give Oholo! musicians carte blanche for a weekend in our neighbourhood.

Saturday 03 June: a late afternoon of free concerts
  • 5pm > Trio Improvisé (free music / Square General Delfosse) – Tous au parc: A pocket concert with this trio, who will be playing an improvised acoustic surprise for curious onlookers, passers-by, families… and the public!
  • 6pm > Tomaz Grom (double bass solo / Cave Charlemagne) – What could be better than a double bass solo at your favourite wine shop? Join us at 6pm for a glass of wine and let the music wash over you as you become one with this imposing instrument.
  • 7pm > TiTiTi (jazz club at Point Nommé) – Saxophone, bass and percussion from the TiTiTi trio should be enough to immerse you in the atmosphere of Point Nommé, transformed for the occasion into an ephemeral jazz club. And if you’re feeling peckish, there’ll be food and drink on site!
saturday 03 june 202317h00