Eugene Chadbourne & Lionel Martin


This evening will bring together two jazz and folk UFOs. The saxophonist Lionel Martin will light the fuse with a solo whose minimalism is reminiscent of punk, before handing over to the American Eugene Chadbourne himself, a banjo circus artist and electric clown poet from the thousand worlds of country music.

wednesday 29 march 202321h00
Le Péri
8/10 €

Lionel Martin

De Stravinsky à Bérurier noir, pendant qu’il enregistre avec le chanteur du groupe mythique, il improvise sur un symphonique qui déroule la partition de l’oiseau de feu. Sans oublier qu’il reste le saxo de Ukandanz, Lionel Martin nous livre, fruit de sa collaboration avec Robert Combas, le dernier album de sa trilogie Solos, solo, sol […]

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Eugene Chadbourne

Eugene Chadbourne (born 1954 in Mount Vernon, USA) is an American composer, improviser, guitarist, banjo player, amplified leaf rake player, and music critic. His work, composed over a varied discography, includes several hundred albums, embracing many genres, from jazz to sixties rock, from country and folk music to noise. He has collaborated with Lukas Simonis, […]

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