
Their album ‘Évohé Bègue’ will be released on March 11, 2024 by Via Parigi, le Saule and Murailles Music. Évohé bègue’ moves towards an open, highly improvised composition, situated somewhere between the patterns of Morton Feldman, Nigerian Ogene orchestral bands, the post-punk pleas of New York no-wave, the laughing insolence of northern Italian folk music, the ritual yodelling of Java monks, contemporary poetry, improvised music…

Past related
Bégayer 14.03.2024

Loup Uberto : voix, luths, begena, cornemuses
Alexis Vinéïs : batterie, percussions (sati, qraqeb, gardon)
Lucas Ravinale : voix, begena, tamburelli, objets sonores
Jean-Philippe Curtelin : batterie, percussions (surdo, sati, qraqeb, gardon)
Etienne Foyer : son, spatialisation

Past related
Bégayer 14.03.2024