Alexis Degrenier

Mouvements fantômes, Membres miroirs
After studying classical percussion and composition with as many written forms as elements from the oral tradition. His fascination for the work of Gyorgy Ligeti or Helmut Lachenmann or Guillaume De Machaut, leads him to focus on sound spaces, oblique listening and parasitic elements in practice as in writing.
From these different researches was born a desire to learn what has fascinated him since childhood, the drone music; the traditional music, first of all extra-European, to come back to the traditional music of the Massif Central that he has not stopped digging for a few years to find infinite resources.
He has been developing for a few months a new solo for percussion in connection with the 3 long years he spent in the white walls of hospitals, keeping him away from any musical life until today.
This solo will be the subject of a record to be released in the coming months in collaboration with the labels Murailles Music and Standard in-fi.
He co-founded the group La Tène, and collaborates closely with the members of the collective La Nòvia, he is also present in Tanz Mein Herz, or composes the music of the films of Rose Lowder, or the creation of “À l’ouest” by the choreographer Olivia Grandville.
He also builds workshops/conferences on ‘difference and repetition’, ‘branched bodies’ (in progress), and other works in which he has been involved for a long time.
Alexis Degrenier (solo percussion and drone box, mechanicals, amplified objects, skins, resonators, stones, wood, drone box, friction, beats, bodies, hands, circles and metronomes)